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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thailand protests: One killed by gunfire at clashes

At least one person has been killed and three wounded by gunfire after clashes broke out in the Thai capital Bangkok between rival protesters.
People heading to a pro-government rally were attacked by students, and later shots were fired.
Saturday is the seventh day of protests aiming to unseat the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.
Protesters claim her government is controlled by her brother, exiled former leader Thaksin Shinawatra.
He was ousted in a coup following protests in 2006 and now lives in self-imposed exile overseas.
He is one of the most polarising figures in Thai politics - he remains popular with many rural voters, while his opponents tend to be urban and middle class voters.
On Saturday, what had been largely peaceful demonstrations turned violent outside a stadium where a pro-government rally has been confined during this week to avoid clashes with the anti-government protests moving around the city, the BBC's Jonathan Head reports from Bangkok.
A group of students attacked vehicles bringing government supporters to the stadium - windows were smashed, and some minor injuries reported.
Later, shots were fired, but it is not clear yet by whom.
Police reinforcements were sent to the area and roads blocked, but skirmishes between the two sides continued for several hours.
Police have called for military backup to reinforce security in the city.
National police spokesman Piya Utayo said on Thai television that some 2,730 military personnel from the army, navy and air force will be deployed, AFP reports.
The government has been reluctant to risk deploying the military, which ousted Ms. Yingluck's brother in a coup seven years ago, but may no longer have a choice, our correspondent reports.
Tension is now rising in Bangkok as the anti-government movement prepares for what it calls a "people's revolt" - a mass occupation of government buildings all over Bangkok.
There is a high risk of greater violence if more supporters of Ms Yingluck - whose party enjoys strong backing outside Bangkok - try to come to the capital, our correspondent adds.

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