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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Kosovo is falling birthrate

Economic development and emancipation of women has influenced Kosovo Kosovo every year to mark the birth rate decline. Within ten years, according to statistics, there have been five thousand births less.

Sociology experts predict that over the coming decades there will be fewer births. The decline comes more from a lack of economic development, but also by raising female employment and Kosovo.
According to statistics, in the years 2000-2012, Kosovo marked east around 5 thousand less.

 While in 2000 have been reported 40 thousand births, in 2012 the number dropped to 35 thousand.
"Based on the information collected and published, in Kosovo in 2012 are 34,932 registered, 27,912 of them in Kosovo and in the Diaspora 7020 births", told "albinfo" Hazbije Ceric, Information Officer at the Agency of Statistics Kosovo.

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